
Which drivers are covered by the Clearinghouse?

Any driver who holds a CDL (CDL driver) and meets the requirements of the CDL standards (49 CFR Part 383), and the FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Testing Program (Part 382). References to CDL drivers also includes CLP drivers.

How will CDL drivers use the Clearinghouse?

Beginning January 6, 2020, registered CDL drivers can use the Clearinghouse to:

• Provide electronic consent to release detailed drug and/or alcohol violation information in your Clearinghouse record to a current or prospective employer (when an employer conducts a full query).

• Review your own Clearinghouse record and initiate the process to revise or remove incorrectly entered information.

• Identify a substance abuse professional (SAP) to report on RTD activities, if you have an unresolved drug and alcohol program violation in your Clearinghouse record.

Go to https://clearinghouse.fmcsa.dot.gov. In the upper right, click on “LEARN”. Scroll down and click on “Driver Resources”. You will find several informative links. Among them, is the Driver Brochure that provides very important information.

Email clearinghouse@dot.gov with any questions.